Webinar: Offshore in times of geopolitical and economic turbulence

Monday December 01, 2008 - 12pm ET / By Stephanie Moore, VP, Principal Analyst, Forrester Research

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Volatile markets, scarcity and uncertainty have forced companies to switch from expansion strategies to survival mode in a very short timeframe. Executives and program managers are now expected not only to dramatically reduce costs but also to hedge risks and reduce uncertainty, a daunting task even for seasoned global sourcing veterans.

To help you in this quest, we are inviting you to attend the Softtek exclusive webinar, “Offshore in times of geopolitical and economic turbulence”, featuring Stephanie Moore from Forrester Research and Alejandro Camino from Softtek. The session will look at how to balance risks and contain costs thought balanced offshore in spite of economic and political stress.

In the session you will learn

  • How to achieve dramatic cost reductions though a streamlined global sourcing strategy
  • How to mitigate risks associated with offshore in face of increased geopolitical and economic tension
  • How to quickly assess improvement opportunities in you r current programs in terms of costs and risks
  • Best practices for establishing smooth transition plans from country to country
Webinar: Webinar: Offshore in times of geopolitical and economic turbulence
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